31 January 2013

ARRAY part 2

This one not that good... didn't have time to meet the deadline! Upload anyway! (It's actually B&W but didn't convert back to RGB. Deal with it)

03 January 2013

Array piece

This piece is featured in the first year Illustration artbook "ARRAY". Check it out!


"ARRAY aims to showcase Sheridan Illustration (2012-2016) student works. Its first project is a book with a collection of illustrations surrounding the theme: Make History."

31 December 2012

It looks nice sometimes

acrylic for 2.5 hours. Last one for the year

Narrative project

We had to take a scene in an old story/fairytale and make a storyboard type thing using only 4 panels. In my case I chose a scene in Thumbling where Thumbling's mother and father had to kill the wolf to get him out of its insides... or something like that

21 December 2012

Fall 2012 L.D

Some stuff I did during first year of Illustration. (caution big picture file)

05 July 2012

Summer plein air

Went outside to do some plein air and landscape stuff. Here are some examples!